Health and Nutrition
At Little Angels, food is prepared on the premises in our own kitchen from fresh ingredients. All food is homemade and no processed food is served.
The menus are on a four week rotation. Breakfast is served for all children by 8.30am. All children will then be provided with a mid morning snack which usually consists of fresh fruit together with a choice of milk or water. At lunch time a main meal and dessert is provided. All children who attend a full day will be served a ‘high tea’. This is a two course meal and includes sandwiches, homemade soup, filled rolls/pitta bread together with a homemade dessert.
View Little Angels Sample Menu
We aim to have a range of varied foods with different textures and flavours which cater for all dietary requirements including allergies. Our menus ensure children receive a minimum five portions of fruit and veg per day. We regularly review our menus and have a summer and a winter menu which take into account seasonal produce.
For babies solid food is prepared to suit the individual needs of each child. Weaning starts with freshly prepared vegetable and fruit purees and gradually the introduction of meat, fish, texture and more variety until the children are able to have the standard nursery menu.
Our Ofsted inspection resulted in the following comments.
Staff support children to make healthy choices and develop a healthy lifestyle. For example, in the home corner, children cut up and peel real fruit and vegetables.
Special requirements
In addition, all children are offered a mid morning snack which will usually consist of milk or water served with a variety of fresh fruit. Special dietary requirements e.g. vegetarian, diabetic, dairy intolerance, religious or cultural preferences and general dislikes of your child will be catered for and an appropriate alternative offered.
Babies come first
For babies, solid food is prepared to suit individual baby’s requirements, from initial weaning on baby rice and pureed vegetables to the introduction of meat/fish. Bottle feeds are to be provided by parents and these should be brought to the nursery on a daily basis.
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