Play ground
In addition to all of the indoor activities, the children go outside every day throughout the year for fresh air and exercise gained through a variety of activities. We consider outdoor play and physical exercise to be an essential and fundamental part of children’s learning and development. The nursery has two distinct play areas. One for Babies/Toddlers with a covered seating area, sandpit balancing beams with space to explore and investigate. The second play area is for Nursery and Preschool and features an amazing outdoor adventure playground which gives plenty of opportunity to develop gross motor skills and imaginative play. Outdoor play has both planned activities, recognising that some children learn better outdoors, together with opportunity for children to ‘run free’ and engage their creative imagination.
The children go outside in their own room groups, but sometimes they may join with the next age group of children and their room staff. This gives the children the opportunity for integration with other age groups and familiarity with other members of staff.
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