
You may be familiar with the Ofsted organisation and the work they carry out in inspecting secondary & primary school. You might not realise however that they also Ofstedinspect nurseries.

The last visit that Ofsted rated Little Angels as ‘Outstanding.’ It is the only nursery in Market Harborough to receive this rating to date.

Here is a selection of key quotes form their report which you can read in full here

Overall the quality of the provision is outstanding. The enthusiastic, knowledgeable and highly motivated staff team implement the requirements and principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage exceptionally well. Robust and detailed procedures keep children healthy, safe and protected at all times. The vibrant, effective partnership with parents, outside agencies and other settings, ensures that children’s individual needs are met. This means, that children make excellent progress in a fully inclusive setting. Innovative self-evaluation is used to continually monitor and review all areas of the provision, so that their capacity to maintain high standards and plan for further improvement is outstanding.

Children’s welfare, learning and development are supported extremely well, and as a result children make excellent progress towards the early learning goals. This is because staff make exemplary use of their observations of children in planning activities that support their individual development.

Throughout the nursery, excellent progress is made in developing language skills because of the consistent emphasis on this area by all members of staff. Children start to learn the sounds letters make and identify where they occur in their own names. Younger children enjoy singing songs and rhymes and learn to mark make and draw independently with confidence. Children learn how to measure, estimate and predict in pre-school, and sort, match and compare in younger groups. These activities, along with counting in their play, help develop early mathematical skills. There are regular opportunities to use information and communication technology, and children approach new equipment with open and questioning minds.

View the full report