Market Harborough Nursery
Harborough Nursery Leavers Party
Harborough Nursery Leavers 2016 – Little Angels Day Nursery in Market Harborough hosted our Preschool leavers party on Tuesday 12th July. All children who are leaving for school were invited with their parents to attend our ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’… Continue reading
Little Angels Day Nursery Children enjoyed a visit from Animals for Parties
Little Angels Day Nursery Children had lots of fun when they had a visit from Animals for Parties. Little Angels Day Nursery Children experienced touching and holding the different animals, and some children even tried to feed them. … Continue reading
Little Angels Preschool children cooking on open fires
On Thursday Little Angels Preschool children engaged in fire cooking. We arranged the children into small groups of four and the small groups sat around a wooden pallet. We discussed the Golden Rules with the children so they had an… Continue reading
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