
‘Spring Time’ Open Morning

In March we held our ‘Spring Time’ open morning, we hold these sessions on a Saturday morning to enable children to bring along their mummies and daddies and join in with various activities, to promote the different activities they engage in while… Continue reading

Making Smoothies

Our Preschool children had lots of fun this morning making their own smoothies. The children carefully cut the fruit into small pieces, they could choose from pineapple, raspberries,  blueberries, kiwi, bananas, mango and strawberries. The children were encouraged to fill… Continue reading

Colouring Competition

This is our winner for the colouring competition Harrison Murray held in honour of the Queen’s 90th Birthday !! Evie was chosen as the winner from 30 entries. Evie was presented with a Gift Voucher by the staff at the… Continue reading

The Queen’s 90th Birthday

014 021A fabulous time was had by all the children for our special tea to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday.  The children looked amazing in their crowns, princess/prince costumes and their red, white and blue outfits.

Carnival 2016

We all had a great time at this years carnival, our theme was ‘Wild Wild West’. The children, parents and staff dressed up has either cowboys, cowgirls, Indians or Sqaws. The float looked amazing as we decorated it with lots… Continue reading

Sports Relief

The children at the nursery had lots of fun this week for Sports Relief. The children were sponsored and  involved in lots of different races and events such as hurdles, egg and spoon, relay, shot putt, javelin and hammer… Continue reading

Cooking over an Open Fire

fire2 fire4Our pre-school children had a lovely time during our outdoor play session, cooking food over an open fire. The children made cheesy bread dough and we cooked the bread over the fire and also toasted marshmallows yum !! yum !!

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